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Alderline Superburn BBQ Charcoal Briquettes 7kg


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Compare Alderline Superburn BBQ Charcoal Briquettes 7kg Price

Brand: Alderline

With Alderline Superburn Charcoal Briquettes you will be a Gourmet Chef! These Restaurant Grade Charcoal Briquettes are the perfect bbq coal for restaurants, home bbq and more. Due to its long steady and equal burning characteristics, your food will be perfectly grilled resulting a juicier texture and more pure flavours compared to other either lump wood charcoal or charcoal briquettes. Smokeless and odour-free when burning giving pure charcoal flavour. Of course, when fats from meat are melting and burning they will make smoke, but that's is just natural and not harmful, but more flavour - clean and pure flavour. Perfectly suitable for bar be cue cooking and also for pizza making as it gives very high heat. Each bag is equivalent of a 2 x 10kg bag of standard lump wood charcoal. To sum up all: *100% Natural and Organic *Sustainably Produced *Extra long burning time *Even heat development *Smoke and odour free *Burns without residue *Absolutely chemical-free

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