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Candy Floss Maker Pink


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Brand: #winning

If you’ve ever been to a funfair – or even just seen one in a movie – you might have fancied trying out some candy floss, that cotton-wool-esque confection that never looks less than delightfully delectable. Well, now you can bring the couture of confectionary to your home, with this amazing Candy Floss Maker. An incredibly simple-to-use device, this AC mains-powered candy floss maker uses new halogen technology that delivers more candy floss in less time than the more traditional heating systems of yore: you can literally watch as it turns granulated or caster sugar into fluffy candy floss before your eyes. Add in food colouring to give it that classic candy floss colour, or even add in different food essences to create a whole range of new and exciting flavours of candy floss. It’s easy to keep clean, with a dishwasher-proof bowl and splash guard, and it’s incredibly simple to use – it even comes with a set of instructions for you to refer back to should you get lost. Prepare to enjoy your candy-coloured treats!

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