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Compare NINTENDO SWITCH Bayonetta 3 Price

EAN: 0045496478445

Brand: Nintendo

Your favourite witch is back for more stylish, over-the-top demon/angel slaying action. And there's a new foe, too. Man-made bioweapons, Homunculi, are not here to play nice - they are here to get shot, slashed and utterly stomped by Bayonetta. Of course, she gets new powers to take on these new adversaries. The Demon Masquerade lets her summon demonic friends or infuse her arsenal with their demonic powers - letting you dish out wilder and flashier combos than ever. You'll get to unleash big names like Gomorrah, Malphas or Phantasmaraneae to decimate everything on the battlefield. Good to know - Bayonetta's got a trainee now - you get to play as Viola, a tough witch with a sword and demon companion - Your favourite signature ability is still going strong - slow time down with the Witch Time to annihilate the helpless enemies - New locations like the streets of Tokyo or Chinese mountaintops make for nice arena variety

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