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RC Smart Robot Interactive Dancing Toy - White


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Compare RC Smart Robot Interactive Dancing Toy - White Price

EAN: 5060964818207

Brand: Alivio

Gesture Control makes kids enjoy being the leader. Users can use gestures to control the robot to move forward and backward and turn left and right. Robot will teach kids popular science. Before playing, kids can program movements what they want to command. Robot will repeat all actions one by one. The eyes will do different emotions in each state. It will bring lots of fun and laughs for adults as well as the kids. When you turn on the robot, it will introduce itself in robot accent. Let kids sing and dance with robot. They will be best friends. If adults do not like too loud you can just turn it down. Charging time 2 hours, and play time up to 3 hours. Insert the charger into the rear charging port. The red indicator lights up, indicating a charge state. The charging process takes about 4 to 5 hours, not to exceed 10 hours. Please charge the robot in time for low power consumption.

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